Friday, April 06, 2007

Yeah am back...and after a long time.The problem with me is lack of consistency rather like the Indian cricket team.I could however say that work takes it all out of me and I dont even have the energy to blog but thats crap, esp since I myself believe that if something is important will find/make time for it no matter how difficult it might be.

Which bring me to the topic of the much shit are you willing to take? tired of taking shit.Work,home,people....everyone and anyone.Maybe I am just being crabby but personally I think not.

I am invariably the nice guy who tries to adjust and that is the moot cause of all my grief.At work I ll be like...damn this needs to be done ,even though its not really my job, and then I take it upon myself to do it.I been working weekends,days,nights....literally 24/7 and the worst part is my boss asks me let it go when a stupid motherfucker of an site manager insults me.I mean I outrank this piece of shit by atleast 2 grades...however since we dont want to "jeopardize" corporate relationships...I have to let it go.Why in the name of fuck should I have to? My solution is simple....I pay your friggin do what I tell you to.Kapish? If you dont want to do what I want you to....I ll find another BPO who wants my project.Very very simple. The worst part is my boss is willing to let this arsehole hold the entire program hostage.BAH!

I moved houses...back in Jan...because my sis was supposed to leave blore for bbay.The house is an independent bunglow...with ridiculously low rent.So I jumped at the offer.Jan did Feb and March..and now in April she tells me...oh I am not moving infact your brother in law is moving back to bangalore so do you think you can move out and get another place? Why in the name of fuck should I do that? I am not moving from here...I work nights...and I sleep daytime.I dont have the time and more importantly the inclination to move.You were supposed to move so get the fuck out already.

Women...bah I am so tired of them already.They keep bitching about how there are no nice guys out there...well when they find one..they make sure they fuck him up so bad that he will never be nice ever again.I need time...I need time.....well whaddya know....I needed time to use you and get back with my ex!! Or can we be friends for a while ....I need to work some issues out and then no contact for 2 months. And why should she? She got the emotional support she needed when she needed it.Now there is no fucking need for you sucker!

People will shit on you so much if you give them a chance that you can become a walking talking compost heap and when you try to assert yourself...they turn around and tell you that they dont like you anymore because you wont let them shit on you anymore.Well wake up and smell the one likes to be shit on.

As a conclusion....I realize that its all my fault.I dont need to be nice.You play by my rules or you find someone else to play with because I dont need shit.And being nice is asking for trouble.You get taken for granted like crazy and before you know are labelled as the guy who will put up with anything.So dont put up...dont be nice.Be true to yourself...and if someone doesnt like it...fuck them. Atleast you end up happy right!



Blogger observateur_silencieux said...

I hoping to see this space changed with things that you are happy abt....

STOP the self pity... and look around to count the things you take for granted at times! :)


10:25 AM


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