Saturday, May 05, 2007

Well the house hunting continues...nothing major to talk about there...except for the fact how most house owners seem to have a problem with the fact that I am single (read unmarried) and want to live on my own.Its as if I am telling them that I am going to set fire to the house but only after I have sacrificed some virgins and performed bizarre arcane pagan rituals in the house.

So not only getting into a club is a problem if you are add getting a house to the list.So coming back to the would think that you were interviewing for a post in a company the way they ask question.Actually make that an interview like you were asking to marry their daughter!They are decidedly unfriendly...ask too many personal questions and some of them are downright rude. There was one who asked me..."What caste do you belong to?"...I wanted to haul off and hit him much for being educated.Actually I should have...the house was crap anyway :).Also I have absolutely no clue what caste I belong to.I don't care to know either...

There was this other one who was initially all civil ...then asked.."How many of you will be living here"...and I said umm just one.Me.His face fell....he was actually disappointed...he rather hopefully asked...Ohh you are getting married sometime soon? I went NOO!!!! not. He actually looked disappointed that I had no intention of settling down anytime soon. I felt really sorry for him.I did...really....stop laughing!!! I did ...I kid you not.

Yet another one...the landlord after showing me the house and seeming to be OK with my marital house ...threw a bomb...he showed me a 4X4 space and said that's to park your car.I almost burst out laughing...because I suddenly pictured one of those clown cars that have bunches of clowns piling out of it and then falling apart on cue.Just imagine you pull up in that at the Leela and then your whole gang of friends piling out after you.

So the search continues...but I need to find something in a fortnight or am really dead.So I am girding my loins (whatever that means...I have never girded anything before let alone loins) and as my friend Krissy would put it "Chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggeeeeeee "

Peace out!


Blogger Princess Selene said...

yes true failure is when u stop trying!!

so attack those landlords!!
Chaaaaaaarggge!!! ((trumpet sounds!))

5:55 AM

Blogger Poorna Banerjee said...

like someone said... "full speed ahead and damn the torpedoes!"

2:12 PM


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