So its been a long while since I last wrote. Call me lazy...thats exactly what I am...LAZY :)
A lot has happened since then, or not depends upon which way you look at it.
I finally found a house (YAY!!) but I haven't been living there :). 3 service providers turned down my application for a internet line., after telling me that it could be done. Go figure! No internet means no can stay. Why? Well I gotta work from home right so without the internet am as effective as a dumbbell. We know what it can do, especially if it falls on your head but its gotta land first innit :D. So my hopes now rest with Reliance, who have assured me on the heads of their first borns that it will be done this week. They better otherwise I have a serious problem.
I want to live in my own place. My bleedin bathroom is bigger than my current bedroom (at my sis's place) and I HAVE A TUB ! I haven't cooked anything in a long time and I want to start doing that again. I want to be able to listen to music and watch TV at 3 in the morning while I am working. I want, I want, I want ! hmpf!!
I am stuck at a place where I dont know where I don't know where am headed. I have always taken pride in knowing exactly what I want to do and when I want to do it. But of late am just stagnating. I stopped working out, I have stopped taking an interest in anything. Its as if I am catatonic.Even my work is suffering, I am tired and irritable not the usual patient guy that I think of myself to be.
People get on my nerves easy these days. Guess am becoming too intolerant and that is so not me. I just can't seem to understand why people don't see the obvious. Or maybe its just MY obvious. I have a uncluttered thought process. You do this, I will do that ...that sort of thing. Like a well drilled soccer team really. People let others walk all over them, they know they are being walked over and want to change that and instead of doing something about it, all they do is bitch. They talk and talk and talk some more and then go back and get walked on all over again. Its an endless circle...and the line that seems to be prevalent is , " Oh I don't know..."
BTW.... guys....if any girl tells you anything along the lines of "I am not looking to date anyone right now" or " I like you as a friend" it just plain means you are not good enough for her. Trust me on this, and no matter what the girl claims to mean. Why you not good enough for her? how the hell do I know! It could be anything or everything. My only advice is cut your losses and run ...and run like the wind at that. If you hang around all you will be doing is hurting yourself. My thumb rule for someone liking me is pretty simple. The other person will make time for you no matter what. For example ... you call and say " Hey you wanna catch a movie on thursday?" Now if the girl is interested in going out with you, even if she is busy she will say something along the lines of , " Hey am really busy today, can we do it some other day? Say Sunday?". Notice the definite time period for re scheduling?? It means that she wants to go out with you but just is plain busy. Now if the girl didnt want to go out with you, she would say something like, " Hey am really busy so I cant make it" or " We ll do it some other time"... all open ended statements. Once again thumb rule as my mum taught me, is go out with someone who wants to go out with you. Otherwise all it leads to is drama.
So endeth lesson one :)
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